Most drivers try to operate their vehicles in a safe manner. When there are serious traffic violations that occur, there is a good chance that your driver’s license will be suspended. The length of time that your license is suspended depends on the offense that occurs.
Some driver’s license suspensions are relatively short. For example, if you have speeding and reckless driving in the same incident, your license could be suspended for 60 days. A 60-day suspension is also possible for speeding in excess of 55 miles-per-hour and going at least 15 MPH over the speed limit for the second time. The first incident of that offense is a 30-day suspension.
Other offenses have longer suspensions. For example, getting your license under false pretenses is a 1-year suspension. Willfully racing another vehicle or betting on, watching, or loaning a vehicle for willful racing can all lead to a 3-year suspension. In addition, your vehicle could be seized for these racing offenses.
If you don’t submit to a blood or breath test, or have two charges of reckless driving in a 12-month period, you face a 1-year suspension. If you are found guilty of misdemeanor death by vehicle, that is a 1-year suspension.
Some offenses have a permanent suspension. These include driving while impaired for a third offense or being convicted of felony death by vehicle.
If you are facing any of these offenses, you need to learn about your options for fighting them. In some cases, license suspensions might be able to be challenged by hearing. If you have a hearing and don’t agree with the outcome, you might opt to appeal.
Source: North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles, “Driver Improvement Clinics,” accessed Oct. 28, 2016